Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Hand Print Ornaments

Can I just say how cute these are?!?

The instructions are very easy and I have every single ingredient at home (yay!). Just salt, oil, flour, and supplies.

These Homemade Ornaments will make great presents for the grandparents in my family :)

Follow link for tutorial.

Where's all the finished stuff at?

Ummm, yeah, so I may have a tinsy, winsy, itty, bitty problem with starting a whole lot of crochet projects... and never finishing them :)

What's that called? Hmmm.... WIP disease, yes, that's what I'll call it. So, yeah, I have WIP disease.

On a good note.... I'm almost.... so close.... to finishing the Geisha Amigurumi that I started. Everything is done except for the ribbons I'm gonna add :)

And I'm working on a very special project, for a very special person.... my mom :) She tends to stress out during the holiday season, and she's always had a slight obsession with the Grinch.The thing I'm making is gonna be freaking adorable. It's looking great. Since I've been unable to locate a pattern for the Grinch, I'm writing my own. I hope to be able to have that pattern available to others soon :)

And I've made some more things for my mom's etsy store.... which is still not up and running yet......?

One more day of work, and then the start of my 5 day weekend :)


Friday, November 19, 2010

Recycled Holiday Crafts

I saw these recycled crafts this morning, and I have to, have to, have to(!) make them! The first being this cute Recycled Book Page Wreath.

This is perfect for the pile of newspapers I've been saving for just such a project :)

Secondly, I came across a sweet little christmas tree made of recycled sheet music.

Please visit links for great picture tutorials :)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Recycled Art :)

Michele Made Me is my favorite blog discovery of the day :) She has awesome tutorials for make things out of recycled materials.

These flowers are made of....toilet paper rolls! Aren't they gorgeous?!?

And the fabulous Plastic Bottle Wreath :)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Happy Poop

Hehehe... someone is getting Happy Poop for Christmas! Mwahahahaha! Love it!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Now Entering: Amigurumi Land

I've been crocheting since I was about 6 years old. However, I've never taken it seriously until the past year or so. Rarely would I finish a project. I guess "adult me" is a little more patient, so now I'm actually completing the things that I start :)

And believe it or not, I've never made one single amigurumi. It's scary looking at the detail work required for some of those things! And honestly, I thought I would get frustrated with it and toss it to my pile of "failures".... my failure pile is starting to overflow the basket...

Christmas will be in a few short weeks and, well, I haven't done much in the way of presents. I knew I wanted to make everyone a little something, but my decision skills are nearly non-existant. And then, I came across THIS on Ravelry:

How stupidly adorable is that? And my sister in law would love it (I think lol). I had to make it! And I have found to my surprise that I love the amount of detail I put into it. Yeppers, I can do it!

And Mario would be perfect-o for my brother :) We used to play this game for hours!!!!

And the Grinch would be perfect for Mom!

Too bad I can't find a pattern.... but I'm definitely smart enough to figure it out :)

Friday, November 12, 2010

One of my favorite blogs to visit is Mich L. in L.A. She always has the most awesome tutorials on using unusal or common objects to create beautiful jewelry. Her creativity level is ridiculously high!

Anyways, she had shared a link to a tutorial on how to make the above pictured crocheted pop tab flower. Love it! The tutorial can be found HERE.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Free E-Book

This free e-book gives picture tutorials for several stitches and provides a few patterns for blankets, a poncho, and some amigurumi. Click Here

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Check out this blog :)

What Not to Crochet is an awesome blog that brings a smile to my face....

Kind of scary, don't you think?

"How Mono is Spread"

Just some examples of things better off frogged :)